Saturday, May 21, 2011

In which we embark on new things

Two weeks ago Andrew called home with the news that he would be leaving his job. He and I will both continue writing for Daily Guideposts, but after 16 years Andrew will cease to be the editor.

In the short run this means Andrew is doing editorial consulting. In the long run it may mean he starts a publishing project of his own, or that he gets a different job, or that I get a full-time job, or that we both do a ton of freelance work. There are many possibilities. We'll figure it out as we go, even though it's not clear exactly where we're going.

When I was younger, lack of certainty bothered me. Now I ignore it 95% of the time and am terrified of it the other 5%. Paying too much attention to how I feel -- especially when I'm afraid -- would prevent me from doing what I need to do, and paralysis is the last thing I need.

So, onward. And if you have specific ideas on projects either Andrew or I should be considering, let me know!


  1. Sounds scary, but an exciting opportunity. The world I know best is the academic one, and I think there are probably positions within academic administration that would fit your abilities and temperament. Check with HR at Columbia, Fordham, City College?

  2. I have so enjoyed Daily Guidesposts. I have loved the love and spirituality that it bings to my life. Thank you, Andrew....

  3. Oh, my! Praying for those new and creative possibilities.

  4. I so enjoyed meeting Andrew in Kansas City and hoped to grow enough in the craft to write for him someday. Since it is God who guides a man's steps, I have no doubt this will lead to something wonderful. May He also send you a few bucket loads of peace in the process.
