Friday, January 21, 2011

Things to like about apartment living

Yesterday I went down to our building's laundry room to put in a few loads of darks, and discovered that some wonderful person had folded the load of whites I'd forgotten about. Smile. I like mystery kindnesses.

While I was downstairs I scanned the books people had left on the giveaway table, and picked up a couple of things that looked interesting. I happily added My Name Is Red to the stack (a failure for me: either I don't understand Turkish thought or the author is way too smart for me or it's a bad translation or the book is obnoxiously, self-consciously complex), and left a few no-longer-wanted toys for whoever wanted them. I tossed a bag full of not-good-enough-to-give-away clothing into the fabric recycling bin.

Little Guy and Snuggler played soccer in the adjacent room. I was able to do five industrial-size loads of laundry in about two hours. I can't tell you how nice it is to wash clothes in bulk, instead of in an endless stream. Now I'm pretty much set until about Monday.

I think I would hate having my own washer and drier.


  1. There are a lot of things we can love about living in an apartment. One of those is your friendly and thoughtful neighbors. I got neighbors who are always willing to help out and they really care about people's privacy.

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